Principles of an Epistemology of Values: The permutation of collective cohesion and motivation Author: Corbí,…
The Axiological Crisis at the Heart of All of the Crises That Afflict Our World How to handle It
The Axiological Crisis at the Heart of All of the Crises That Afflict Our World
Coordinator: Marian Corbí VVAA
No. of pages: 306
Editorial: Bubok
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Given the human and scientific importance of Corbi’s proposal of rational postulation of the absolute dimension, it is of scientific interest to detect basic points of agreement in regard to this issue amongst other authors, even if the agreement is not total. This is particularly true when such agreement is found in scientific approaches conceived of and carried out with very different aims and focuses, such as the structural analysis of praxis undertaken by philosopher Antonio González. Not only is it of scientific interest but, as is usually the case in such instances, it is also a much desired scientific opportunity to compare and contrast, learn, integrate and make progress in the approach thereby confirmed.