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Caminos del corazón

Corbí interesa en este trabajo en como indagar la dimensión absoluta de la realidad con el sentir y en el sentir humano. Lo hace introduciéndose en tres obras de tres maestros: el persa Rumi, el chino Mazu y el indio Ramana que pertenecen a tres tradiciones espirituales muy diferentes sufismo dentro del Islam, budismo Chan, y al Vedanta Advaita dentro del hinduismo respectivamente. Su interés es indagar la vía del adentrarse en la dimensión absoluta de la realidad en el sentir mismo. Una propuesta que hacen los tres autores desde diferentes enfoques, y que Corbí la encuentra de gran belleza.

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Amazing day-after coronavirus disease global crisis

For a long time, institutions do not properly work as well as citizens are deeply upset and annoyed with these institutions. They are looking for a real change in society which will be able to fix this sort of things which do not properly work. Tings must be changed. It has been a long time, since the option for the Knowledge Society (KS) is not only an option. It is the real way which must be followed. This KS is absolutely unavoidable. It is already going on in several fields. This option for the KS should be more logically hierarchical with any of the contradictions that a heartless and exploiting capitalism handles all the potentiality of technosciences as well as the huge possibilities foreseen because of them. It seems that the severe health crisis after the coronavirus pandemic and all its effects might be the suitable instance to drive definitely society from an exploiter capitalism industrial society into a consistently one structured on a knowledge basis. Every kind of dismantling which will undoubtedly follow the coronavirus may be the chance to get the big social transformation. On the other hand, it might be a missed occasion, and all the efforts would be focused on re-setting the way of life destroyed by the coronavirus, as we have seen it happened several times before.

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Reflexions sobre la mort

La desaparició del meu gos ha estat una ocasió per reflexionar sobre la mort.  Mentre escribia Mentre escrivia aquest llibre se m'ha mort el meu gos Quitxo. Aprofito aquest trist esdeveniment per a fer algunes reflexions que considero importants [...] Quan em vaig acomiadar d'ell li vaig dir convençut: ¡Tornarem a veure'ns, Quitxo! Es tracta d'un desig buit? No. Vull investigar-ho. [...] Tant en Quitxo com jo som només pures formes de la dimensió absoluta de lo real. Aquesta dimensió absoluta és sense temps ni espai. Des del temps-espai vàrem néixer i ell ha mort. Des del no temps-espai ni ell ha mort, ni jo moriré, En aquesta dimensió d'allò real, entre ell i jo no hi ha dualitat

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Post-Davos Depression

a Nobel laureate in economics Project Syndicate  Feb 1, 2018 The CEOs of Davos were euphoric this year about the return to growth, strong profits, and soaring executive compensation. Economists reminded them that this growth is not sustainable, and has never been inclusive; but in a world where greed is always good, such arguments have little impact. DAVOS – I’ve been attending the World Economic Forum’s annual conference in Davos, Switzerland – where the so-called global elite convenes to discuss the world’s problems – since 1995. Never have I come away more dispirited than I have this year.

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The Bodhisattva Path in the Trump Era

A talk given at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church (November 22, 2016) Transcribed by Jeffrey Fuller and edited by David Loy --- It’s been two weeks today since the election, and many of us are still in a state of shock —traumatized, disheartened if not depressed, anxious, angry, fearful and somewhat confused, wondering what’s going to come next — and wondering if there might be some silver lining to what’s happening. My response today has two parts. First I’d like to identify a very real silver lining, or at least the possibility of a silver lining, depending on how we respond to the situation. And then I’d like to say a bit about what I think is the most important contribution of Buddhist teachings to this situation, which can help us understand and respond to it.

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Serres Pulgarcita

Michel Serres. Pulgarcita. Gedisa, 2014. 160 p.A sus 84 años, Serres es capaz de volcarse lúcidamente hacia esa nueva generación de jóvenes que mueve rápidamente los pulgares por las pantallas y la educación que podría ayudarles, teniendo en cuenta que…

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Melloni Sed de ser

Xavier Melloni. Sed de ser. Herder, 2013. 152 p.Reflexiones, poemas, breves textos en tono poético, para ser leídos sin prisas, meditados como invitaciones al silencio: “no siendo es cuando más somos”, … “portadores de la vida que la Vida nos…

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