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La realitat i la vida són directament un sentir gratuït: ho sabem però no en fem cas, i així ens mantenim en una relació amb tot primordialment per a treure’n profit, que fa que desaparegui del nostre horitzó tot allò del que no se’n pot treure rendiment. Aquest important text budista parla de la possibilitat d’una relació plenament qualitativa amb el què ens envolta, i de com desenvolupar-la.

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CETR Activities Programme 2017-2018

download the programme     We are not born with human quality... but we can learn! Training and developing human quality is a necessity and also a challenge: it opens our eyes to reality, stimulates deep understanding, increases awareness, promotes…

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The Tasks of Axiological Epistemology

            Axiological epistemology, or know-how on human axiological issues, must be based on our condition as animals. All living beings, as the creatures with needs that they are, interact with the environment in which they live in a way that…

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With faith and no beliefs

The proposal of the religious traditions, to a society articulated upon initiative, creativity, innovation, and continuous change in all levels of life, cannot account for “linking”. It will account for trust and acceptance of an offer supported by the acknowledgement…

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CETR proposes


To provide people living in contemporary society with access to the wisdom found in the religious traditions. Despite the fact that this wisdom is often presented to us embedded in the cultural forms of the past and as such can…

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A brief history

Since the eighties the team that created CETR has been studying and engaging in dialogue about the fact of religion, from the perspective of the deep cultural transformations taking place in our contemporary societies. The organisation came into being through…

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From scientific experiment to whole experience through freedom

This paper is a meditation on the myth of freedom. It embraces freedom as a myth, i.e. as it is present in our consciousness before and beyond any notion or conceptualisation of it, and defying any attempt to its definition. Our meditation is on the creative power of this symbolic word, extending its scope beyond the confines of an exclusively human trait, to encompass all reality.

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Questions mold our lives

Congratulations! Thank you for inviting me today. Looking at this sea of bright, intelligent eyes is not only thrilling, it is inspiring, it is reassuring, it is humbling. I wish each and every one of you the very best in life. Today, as you get ready to leave Harvard, and enter the world of work, you are well-prepared. You have read a lot, you have learnt a lot, and I am sure you are brimming with ideas and theories that you are impatient to put into practice. If that is true, rest assured, your university has done its duty.

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