A talk given at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church (November 22, 2016) Transcribed by Jeffrey Fuller and edited by David Loy --- It’s been two weeks today since the election, and many of us are still in a state of shock —traumatized, disheartened if not depressed, anxious, angry, fearful and somewhat confused, wondering what’s going to come next — and wondering if there might be some silver lining to what’s happening. My response today has two parts. First I’d like to identify a very real silver lining, or at least the possibility of a silver lining, depending on how we respond to the situation. And then I’d like to say a bit about what I think is the most important contribution of Buddhist teachings to this situation, which can help us understand and respond to it.

Aquest text del budisme Mahayana planteja de manera concisa, en 302 versos o línies, la seva perspectiva sobre què és la qualitat humana profunda i com es cultiva. Té l’interès que d’ell es poden treure aclariments aptes per a la societat vint segles després de la seva aparició i situada a 7.500km de distància.
1ª Classe 1ªpart
1ª Classe 2ªpart
1ª Classe 3ªpart
1ª Classe 4ªpart