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From scientific experiment to whole experience through freedom

This paper is a meditation on the myth of freedom. It embraces freedom as a myth, i.e. as it is present in our consciousness before and beyond any notion or conceptualisation of it, and defying any attempt to its definition. Our meditation is on the creative power of this symbolic word, extending its scope beyond the confines of an exclusively human trait, to encompass all reality.
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Questions mold our lives

Congratulations! Thank you for inviting me today. Looking at this sea of bright, intelligent eyes is not only thrilling, it is inspiring, it is reassuring, it is humbling. I wish each and every one of you the very best in life. Today, as you get ready to leave Harvard, and enter the world of work, you are well-prepared. You have read a lot, you have learnt a lot, and I am sure you are brimming with ideas and theories that you are impatient to put into practice. If that is true, rest assured, your university has done its duty.
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Religious Myths, Science and Society

Myths and symbols are systems for programming pre-industrial and pre-cientific societies. They programme static societies that go on for a very long time in fundamentally the same way. Programming static societies means programming them for no change, to exclude change. This sort of programming is not possible unless it is believed that things, including the absolute itself, are as the myths and symbols say they are.
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When research and inner path become one

Centre Unesco de Catalunya. On Mystics: A congress. Barcelona, June 2001 (Each participant was asked to introduce himself in connection to the subject, his personal stand point on spirituality). I embarked on a study of humanity’s great religious traditions, from the perspective of the cultural conditions of the new situation. I started by studying the remoter cultural traditions, in order to avoid the interference of my own beliefs: Hinduism, Buddhism. As my research progressed I approached western religions, first Islam, then Judaism and finally the great Christian mystics. In this study my interest was centred in the depth of the message rather than questions of the doctrine or beliefs that were being expressed.
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A revival of Religions?

Published in La Vanguardia, April 16th, 2006 Intervention by Marià Corbí in the discussion: A revival of religions? Translation by Susana Mate It is being said that religions have regained their appeal. Is it true that they are again fascinating people? In our societies we find simultaneously a clear, global and explicit rejection of religion by a wide majority of the population, and a growing interest in it. If we reflect on this contradictory attitude, we can observe two very…

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